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Mom, teacher, 📚 book lover, librarian, Masters in Teaching Library Science, she/her
Trader Joe's has many yummy treats. Watch out! The lemon 🍋 ones are divine.
NYT The 100 Best Books of the 21st Century www.nytimes.com/interactive/... I've read 10 and didn't really love those. Most I've never heard of before! And only adult titles. I am not a hoity toity reader apparently
The 100 Best Books of the 21st Centurywww.nytimes.com As voted on by 503 book lovers — with a little help from the staff of The New York Times Book Review.
Reposted byAvatar Rachel
#kidlitchat I wish I could remember who said it, but I also go back to this one piece of advice on middle grade vs. YA: In middle grade, the hero is changed, but is able to return to a relitive safety, a home, if you will. In YA, the hero can't go home again.
Today's summer adventure for this #LibraryTeacher is weeding my home collection. We are getting new carpet, which means everything must be moved, which means I am going through and trying to decide what to keep and what to donate. This is much harder than at school!
Best compliment I have ever received as a #SchoolLibrarian was this one. I gave my students a survey asking about how I did, how they felt about library, etc. "The library teacher is very nice. She keeps everyone in control, there are good books, we get free time. I feel safe. "
Yesterday's read was Momentous Events in the Life of a Cactus. I 💗 the first one. I was worried about BK 2 being set in HS and that the series would outgrow my #MGReaders. It would still be great for them. Whew!
How are you beating the heat? My big furry Golden Mountain Dogs have each staked out a vent. Thank goodness for AC.
My new purchase from Michael's!
Summer reading. Catching up on titles my students love so I can talk to them about it and make recs. #SchoolLibrarian I can't keep these on the shelf during the school year. #MGGraphicNovels
What's on your summer reading list? #SchoolLibrarians
One second grader teaching another how to read manga. Love this!
#SchoolLibrarians How did I not know about sanding book pages before? I have so many books with grungy pages that I can't afford to replace. I might have to add a book a day to a new sanding station.
Yesterday a second grader exclaimed "Wait, you knew someone alive in the 80's? Like the 1980's? Are they still alive today?" Dear Reader, It was me. I was alive in the 1980's and now I feel like I should turn to dust and blow away.
I seldom DNF a book. I am prob going to on this one. I tell my students all the time it is okay if they aren't enjoying it, it's too hard, they don't have time, etc. They can always come back to it later. I have a hard time following my own advice.
Currently listening to One and Only Bob narrated by Danny Divoto. If you have Sora amd haven't bought this yet put it on your list. #MGBooks #SchoolLibrarians. #SkyBrarians
Reposted byAvatar Rachel
Lol. If you ACTUALLY think about it, libraries are the backbone of nearly every (traditionally published) authors' sales. There are over 17K public libraries in the US, and 100k libraries of every kind. They *all* buy books. And sometimes buy more when the first set wear out! Libraries are AMAZING.
I once heard an author say that libraries were "government-sponsored piracy, if you really think about it" which convinced me to pay zero attention to that author going forward. Thank you for supporting libraries.
I like big books I cannot lie! Librarians love big books, but look at the binding and think 'That's not going to last long'
One of the 4th grade classes created this art and put it up. I love this.
My favs for Monday's #ALAYMA. What are yours?
I bought some clear bins for my picture books 📚. The kids seem to love them. I started with holidays, working on seasons and animals. My shelves aren't tall enough everywhere in my picture book section, so it will be a mix. #SchoolLibrarians
Today I just need to vent. 🧵 We have increased our population of Spanish speaking students over the past few years. I have a small collection of bilingual and Spanish books in the library that I have been trying to grow 1/1
January bulletin board. Tried and true Reading is Snow Much Fun!
Books and Data - two of my favorite things. Data about 📚 and readers even better! wapo.st/3SdePAA
Today's existential question...why does the Roomba need a light?
Just finished The Probability of Everything by Sarah Everett and I am going to need a few minutes to recover 😭 if you haven't added it to your library yet do so. #SchoolLibrarians #MGBooks
I have never read A Christmas Carol before. Watched the Muppet version yesterday and started reading it last night. Pretty good. #Books #Librarians
Today in Makerspace my first graders set up a porcupine alarm system so no one can sneak in and steal books. Wanted:Ralfy Rabbit Book Burglar. #Skybrarians #SchoolLibrarians
Water bottles in backpacks are the bane of my existence! So many wet library books this year😪