
One big change America needs is it needs to be illegal to lie on the news. Every teevee network should have to have a nightly news program. Everything else is opinionated bullshit that one may enjoy but we could all recognize isn't the 'news' I mean damn
I think the 24-hour news cycle has injured us dearly. There used to be just enough time to read the facts and that was that. Now, there are a million opinion pieces, entire "entertainment news" stations, and too much bullshit.
TRUTH. And all I can think of is the potential and power that it could have if it were used to serve the purpose of making us better, not selling us more. We could be telling the most amazing stories, providing robust context… instead…here we are. Good night and good luck. 😔
fuck yes. I'm old enough to remember when the news was BORING. I mean, mostly. Not always. Obviously. But it wasn't frigging entertainment. And then the black and white static, and then you got sucked into another dimension and oh right that's what happened to us all here isn't it