
Some thoughts on Navalny's death. The key point is this. Yes, Putin killed Navalny. But it's *not* Putin alone. It's the ugly subservience of the silent majority. No one but the Russians themselves are responsible for this sad state of affairs.
Russia has died with It was brave. It was foolhardy. It was almost unbelievable. After his near-fatal poisoning by the Russian Federal Security Service, Alexey Navalny returned to Russia. He was taken away as he disembark...
Subservience implies a lack of effort to have a vision. Goons in the Kremlin's employ and people who silently stand by genuinely believe it's not Russian to stand up to the dear leader.
Putin can kill one man but he cannot kill all the Russians who oppose his regime. If there are thousands of brave Russians out on the streets he cannot kill everybody.