
The lesson Roberts and Thomas draw from the unprecedented nature of Trump's indictments is not that he's a unique threat (as per all available evidence). The real threat to "liberty" is the possibility that, someday, the most powerful person on earth could, in theory, be unjustly accused of a crime.
Except the case is about immunity. It's a question of whether the president might someday get charged with a crime that he committed!
“… that he committed” is only sometimes a factor in charging decisions.
“What if a frat boy ended up in jail” writ large
Well at least there's one person in America who is allowed to sleep on a park bench What a country
This particularly infuriates me because I actually work with people unjustly accused (and convicted!) of crimes and there is way less concern for their plights
Grants Pass was decided last week. As was Snyder. Homeless people can be prosecuted criminally. Corruption can't be prosecuted criminally. Criminal law is for the poor and powerless.
They didn't seem to be too worried about that during the Paula Jones case or when Ken Starr was special counsel.
Do they care if it was unjust?
Pretty generous of you to include “unjustly.”
I think this is way too generous. The conservatives on the court know who trump is and what he wants to do. They think it’s awesome and they want to help.
C'mon, we're not really accepting that this flimsy bullshit is real, right? It's just more gaslighting to pretend we don't know they just ruled "fuck all y'all, we have the power and we're keeping it and there's nothing you can do about it. Cause we deserve it."
I get what you're saying about "someday" a president might be "unjustly" accused of a crime. But this is the USA vs. Trump for J6 crime that he already committed. SC is tossing it to lower Courts. It's clearly a "delay" until AFTER the election by Roberts and Thomas.
They secretly believe that one day that "most powerful person on earth" could be them.
Which, in many cases, they'd be able to overturn if it *were* a false accusation. They were already the check.