
Heard a Democratic member of Congress on cable news counter the dire polling data by pointing out how loud a Wisconsin crowd had cheered at a recent Biden rally. Maybe replacing him now would be worse. I don't know. But it does feel like his defenders aren't grasping the extent of the problem.
I feel like too many people on here are not facing the facts about the extremely desperate and dismal electoral situation Biden is in. If you just take the states where Trump is up MORE THAN THREE POINTS in the polling average (a massive lead), he's already got the Electoral College locked.
Assuming all the arguments for replacing him are true, they still run up against the problem of being impracticable without Biden's assent. So, if he continues his refusal to step aside, how long will critics continue the full-court pressure campaign? To the convention? To November?
Completely valid point! As others have pointed out, of all the bad options, a few prominent Democrats coming forward each day to call for him to step down is pretty much the worst possible way to handle this. So naturally that's what they're doing.
I think his two best options are (a) stay in the race to the end, or (b) resign the Presidency immediately so Kamala gets the benefits of campaigning as the sitting President. Any middle ground seems like slow death. But maybe the party professionals know better than I do...
Kamala campaigns as the incumbent VP, while Joe keeps absorbing the arrows of actually existing policy. It could work, especially on I/P.