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Sometimes north sometimes south
Reposted byAvatar Radwan
About Blank, a „leftist“ club in Berlin announced a fundraising. 1 reason stated for decreasing revenue is a BDS campaign which gained more traction since Oct 7. The club has a mutli year history of siding with zionists causing many to boycott. They had a 🔻painted on their door heres 1 more 🔻ksmohm
Reposted byAvatar Radwan
"'Era of Miracles': Israeli Far-right Minister Rejoices at West Bank Settlement Expansion - Israel News" dumbfuck nazi shit
'Era of miracles': Israeli far-right minister rejoices at West Bank settlement expansionwww.haaretz.com ***
People in Berlin testing out all kinds of triangles 🔺🔽📐 When does the so called absurd actions taken by the democratic government become outright authoritarian state oppression? Germany forgetting its own history Pincha Chingada Nazis
Reposted byAvatar Radwan
Reposted byAvatar Radwan
Tomorrow, al-Jazeera's documentary show Fault Lines is going to air one of the most important pieces of journalism about the Israeli genocide in Gaza. I got an early look at it and tried to communicate something without breaking the embargo.
An Unmissable Gaza Documentarywww.forever-wars.com Al-Jazeera's 'Fault Lines' program has put together a crucial report called "The Night Won't End." PLUS: Hanging at Guantanamo with a future Trump national security adviser
Reposted byAvatar Radwan
The NYT had more live updates on the congressional hearings with university presidents than on what’s happening right now in Rafah.
Reposted byAvatar Radwan
Reposted byAvatar Radwan
A couple weeks ago we saw two cops roll up to a protest on Oranienplatz with a plainclothes Arab-looking guy. Now I’m sure he was a translator.
www.theguardian.com/commentisfre... Def dont agree with all. but she sees a problem with the german stance and forgetting lessons of the past “simplistic thinking appears to be leading my country into forgetting yet another lesson of the Nazi era: the danger of falling prey to rightwing fanatics.”
My family’s past, and Germany’s, weighs heavily upon me. And it’s why I feel so strongly about Gaza | Eva Ladipowww.theguardian.com I fear we are forgetting lessons from that terrible history, says writer Eva Ladipo
Germans trying to ban arabic at gatherings or protests. link to the other website with video of testimony in Berlin explaining police orders x.com/swilkinsonbc...
30 to 330 million! They are directly responsible for genocide.
Reposted byAvatar Radwan
For those still intent on conflating Judaism with Zionism, it is worth pointing out that the Jewish population of Brooklyn is larger than either Jerusalem or Jaffa (“Tel Aviv”)
Preliminary results show that almost 25% of Brooklyn cast blank ballots in the New York Democratic primary yesterday. Brooklyn is home to America's largest Palestinian population (and yours truly 😎). www.cityandstateny.com/politics/202...
mondoweiss.net/2024/04/germ... Das geht nicht! The world sees you Germany. Will you change course or insist on supporting the Zionist regime and the genocide against Palestinians in Gaza and apartheid across the occupied territories in Jerusalem and the West Bank?
Germany is becoming a police state when it comes to Palestine activismmondoweiss.net The German state is taking extraordinary measures to clamp down on pro-Palestinian activism, including arresting activists in their homes in the middle of the night.
Free Palestine and you save a city like Berlin “Lose that cultural freedom and you lose much more than a “scene.” You lose the very ground — the ground of sympathetic imagination — upon which you combat antisemitism and all other forms of bigotry” www.nytimes.com/2024/04/06/a...
Berlin Was a Beacon of Artistic Freedom. Gaza Changed Everything.www.nytimes.com The home of boundary-pushing artists from around the world has been upended by debates about what can and can’t be said about Israel and the war.
www.dw.com/en/germany-p... Germany has a big problem, and it keeps getting bigger. Maybe they should focus on the increasingly fascist tendencies in German society instead of arresting activists against the genocide committed but zionists based in Israel in
Germany probes over 400 police due to far-right viewswww.dw.com Hundreds of German police officers are under investigation over links with right-wing extremist or conspiracist ideology, a media report says.
Reposted byAvatar Radwan
Reposted byAvatar Radwan
“But Biden’s working behind the scenes to stop it!” Well, he IS working behind the scenes.