C.J. Raven

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C.J. Raven


What you see depends upon where you stand. We are all god’s imperfect children on this planet of broken toys.
So according to the Supreme Court the Constitution immunizes from prosecution the person who is sworn to protect the Constitution if he or she uses the office’s Constitutionally provided authorities to destroy the Constitution. Seems counter intuitive.
Governing is a team sport. No one person does it. Trump’s team is some of the most noxious people in the US who will abandon the rule of law in exchange for power. Biden’s team is us: the people that will uphold and insist on the rules and norms of society. He can govern because we support him.
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ofc it’s not your fault that kids are dying, you’re insignificant. You just support the organisation that’s sacrificing them to achieve their goal of eliminating the Jews. Don’t flatter yourself, nobody cares about you, only you (and the internet) will have to live with your disgusting self.
I think from time to time I am going to post some random thoughts about the theory and practice of Tai Chi Chuan “Taiji.” Martial arts are typically classified as external or internal. External arts use muscle for power and speed. Internal arts use energy also known as chi. Most people know of …
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It's always disturbing to see people with immense privilege who don't seem to understand that they have it. If you were born in a rich, free, democratic society, that's a really LUCKY thing to have happened to you. And it's not guaranteed for life, you have to fight to keep a democracy.
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Is it not sick that, after a few centuries of silence, descendants of European genocidal invaders in the USA claim European Jewish holocaust survivors are genocidal invaders when they fight back against genocidal Palestinians? They should “Go back to Europe”.
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The wolf really is at the door, man time.com/6972021/dona...
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I, and many Jews, can support the protests, the democratic right to protest, and also not personally join. Just bc we aren't joining, doesn't mean we are calling cops or that we don't support our students. "The why" some of us aren't joining was eloquently put by Dov Waxman.
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A lot of coverage over Trump saying he’ll treat NATO as a protection racket, but none of it — as far as I have seen — mentions that after 4 yrs as President, he still thinks NATO countries pay the US directly for protection.
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This is why you don’t get into an insult contest with a crazy person like Aaron Rodgers variety.com/2024/tv/news...
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