
Happy Fuck the Tories Eve to my UK friends
Hoping that people turn out and don’t assume everyone else is voting so they don’t have to!
From what I'm seeing they expect excellent turnout, there's been a real focus on tactical voting to try to get the Tories into third and LD as the official Opposition, which would be amazing
I’ve gone from my “ha, ha, ha this is amazing!” to my pessimistic, preparing for the worst “maybe Reform will get more than 3 seats and the Tories won’t collapse.” They will lose. Question is how badly. And LD official opposition would be hilarious.
I've been paying attention to the election because I have a bunch of friends in the UK and because I am gleefully anticipating the good news of the Tories getting fucking spanked. It's gonna be awesome. Latest polls I saw showed Sunak might not even keep his seat :D
Yeah. I’ve been looking at Mark Chadbourn on here. He also shared the Sunak story. Having been to Sunak’s constituency, if he loses then it will only be as part of a rout.