
Lawnmower hard at work
I am happy for them to eat at much of my lawn as they want. I would like them to stop eating my strawberry plants and hostas, though.
Cotton-tailed assholes. They like to eat all the heads off my flowers, leaving just the stalks.
They're better than robot lawnmowers, they turn grass into baby bunnies!
Exactly! We apparently have the tastiest yard in the neighborhood, too. (Our lawn is a little bit of grass and a lot of clover and violets and other native wildflowers and ground cover.)
Yes they love variety and ground cover. My old yard had a bunch of grass but also bushes and shade where they would loaf during the day.
There is a bumper crop of bunnies in our neighborhood this year and I don’t hate it
Very selective lawnmower and localized fertilizer application squad.
I love spotting wild bunnies—they’re so cute!
They ARE! We have a family of them living under one of the bushes in our garden, and it's the time of year when the truly wee little ones are starting to venture out and about: sometimes we'll have half a dozen of them scattered across the lawn. SO CUTE.
One of the motivators for my daily walks has been bun-spotting. Recently the chipmunks who live under our house have decided we’re cool enough to be out where we can see em. My 6yo dubbed the bold one “Dale” lol
Awwww, I adore chipmunks too: they're so tiny and cute! And we have a family of foxes who live on the golf course across the street that are the only small upside of having terrible environment-destroying rich people neighbors: the foxes come to visit me on the porch in the wee hours a lot.
They're hard to photograph because it's always dark and they're very zippy, but I did get a good pic a little while ago!
I finally got a photo of one of the foxes on their nightly rounds!
We live in a tract called Fox Glen. The river is a mile away. We often have fox visitors here too.
One of my neighbors leaves them boiled eggs.
Perfection. Literal angel. Would absolutely pet.
Mine only eats flowers, right before they bloom.
My wife and I had someone murder our grass last fall and planted dwarf clover this spring... the bunnies and the bees are in love with our lawn.
What type of cottontail rabbit? We have the desert cottontails out here. They live around the dry creek bed behind the house, and love roaming through our native plants in the back. They even show up in our front yard!