Raj Raizada

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Raj Raizada


Desmos interaction developer in NYC. Used to be university prof doing neuroscience, far happier in math ed. I enjoy making math games, in Desmos and also p5play. rajeevraizada.github.io
Question for the hive-mind: there are lots of examples of people being bad at estimating conditional probability (base-rate neglect, etc.). Are there any special circumstances in which people tend to be *good* at estimating it?
The first ever physical hat monotiles, at MoMath in NYC.
I've been trying for ages to make a simple math game that is actually fun. I think this addition-game might achieve that? Please let me know what you think! rajeevraizada.github.io/NumberDrop/ Key ingredients: game is made of math, rather than math bolted on. Starts easy,gets harder. #iteachmath
I think we have a new winner in the hotly contested category of "Worst clickbait headline that misleadingly tries to invoke neuroscience"
Question for the hive-mind: what are some good math problem-solving AI systems that you can freely explore, e.g. by downloading & running code from Github? Recent Math Olympiad question-answering systems that made headlines are not available, but maybe some less recent ones are?
@stevenstrogatz.bsky.social I think this one of the winners in the @desmos.bsky.social art contest will appeal to you! It contains an impressively detailed implementation of the underlying physics: www.desmos.com/calculator/z...
Reposted byAvatar Raj Raizada
Paul Klee, Redgreen and Violet-Yellow Rhythms, 1920 #paulklee #museumarchive
People sometimes use neuroscience to explain free-will, e.g. @wiringthebrain.bsky.social. However, the question is whether we can justify the claim that normal human adults have more moral responsibility than babies, or the insane, or grizzly bears. But: neurally they're all made of the same stuff
Jumping on the bandwagon of asking GPT4 to generate an image and then make it even more so. Because, hey, it's fun. Also, it's interesting to see the data-mining-driven caricatures that emerge. Here's one of personal interest to me: "Make a picture of a math teacher" #iteachmath
Philosophers: you know that sensible-sounding argument that leads to a desirable conclusion? If you look at it really closely, it falls apart. Scientists: we don’t need to worry about whatever those philosophers are wasting their time on. Here’s a sensible-sounding argument…
Reposted byAvatar Raj Raizada
🎢🍎♾️ You can program TONES into Desmos now! This is going to make teaching about sound more fun (but also possibly more annoying) www.desmos.com/calculator/x...
As part of this, they also announced a new feature TONE, more info here: help.desmos.com/hc/en-us/art...
Reposted byAvatar Raj Raizada
As part of this, they also announced a new feature TONE, more info here: help.desmos.com/hc/en-us/art...
@wiringthebrain.bsky.social I've started reading your book Free Agents. I'm trying to get a better sense of what counts as agency: a cockroach scuttling from light: no. A person doing something for a reason: yes. Curious about what counts as a reason. Could a chess-playing AI count as having agency?
Playing with combining my two favourite platforms: the graphs in @desmos.bsky.social and the sprites and physics engine of p5play. The objects and locations get calculated by p5play, then get displayed via the Desmos API. #iteachmath replit.com/@raizada/v2-... Animated gif: giphy.com/gifs/sGQQfrP...
Reposted byAvatar Raj Raizada
Playing more with Desmos 3D: Sierpinski Tetrahedron ( wish lists went up to 2^16 instead of 10^4) #iTeachMath #iTeachPhysics www.desmos.com/3d/e400e42d32
Reposted byAvatar Raj Raizada
This is probably not useful for the learning, but one of my most "Really, that works?" moments with Desmos was how easy it made Voronoi diagrams www.desmos.com/calculator/1...
It turns out that the join() command in the new @desmos.bsky.social geometry tool isn’t only for joining lists: it also lets you merge shapes together. This makes repeating shapes such much easier to make. #iteachmath E.g. desmos.com/geometry/f6i... Animated gif: media.giphy.com/media/yXrK7q...
Check out OctoStudio, the new (and free!) mobile app from the same people who made scratch.mit.edu twitter.com/OctoStudioAp... octostudio.org/en/
It turns out that the new Desmos 3D can show vector arrows and has a built-in cross-product operator. The d/dx and d/dy functions successfully compute partial derivatives. Great for plotting surface-normal vectors #iteachmath ♾️ Animated gif: media.giphy.com/media/iqLTC6... desmos.com/3d/4468e57dba
Couple of suggestions and bug-fixes for new Desmos 3D (which is wonderful, and works great overall). 1. "Translucent surfaces" pref should get saved with graphs. Better, if poss: each surface could have its own alpha. 2. Floating help text for sphere() incorrect. See: media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2l...
Playing more with new Desmos 3D. Here's a ball rolling around a Möbius strip, needing two round trips before returning to its starting point: www.desmos.com/3d/54781b6fef Animated gif: media.giphy.com/media/kktkvN... Suggestion: turn on "translucent surfaces" pref, which doesn't save with graph. ♾️
Playing with the new Desmos 3D beta. I've been wanting to make a Lorentz "butterfly" attractor for a while, so here's one: www.desmos.com/3d/776a7814bd It stops itself after 500 steps, because the graphics get laggy beyond that. Link to animated gif: media0.giphy.com/media/ND2gIb... #iteachmath ♾️
Reposted byAvatar Raj Raizada
📢 📢 📢 Desmos 3D is here!📢 📢 📢 ♾️🎢🍎Let's make some cool stuff! Link: www.desmos.com/3d
I'm playing around with making things that could be useful building-blocks for math games, using the javascript library p5play. Here, individual points spontaneously attract and repel each other to form clumps with exactly 10 members. #iteachmath #MTBoS #EDUsky replit.com/@raizada/v12...
Great Q posed by @mpershan.bsky.social: is there an app where you draw a distance vs time graph and it makes the velocity vs time graph? No such app seemed to exist, so I wrote one using p5play: rajeevraizada.github.io/Pos_veloc_gr... I hope #iteachphysics & #iteachmath folks find it useful! #EDUsky
Amazing double rainbow over NYC just now 🌈🌈
Continuing to have fun with the easy-to-use sprites and physics engine of p5play.org. Next step: actually make something useful with it! Code: replit.com/@raizada/v20... Link to animated gif of a swinging chain: media4.giphy.com/media/VlKc3K...
I'm curious: any NYC-area math edu folks interested in getting together occasionally to chat about making math games, and to bounce ideas off each other? Personally, I like making online math games (Desmos, javascript). But any type of math game would be interesting #iteachmath #EDUsky
Reposted byAvatar Raj Raizada
Here’s something cool that I think not a lot of people are aware of. Typing ‘pride’ into Desmos gives you one of two LGBTQ+ 🏳️‍🌈 flags!