Randahl Fink

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Randahl Fink


Political commentator.

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The US election has increasingly become fantasy VS reality. This new political campaign add from Biden-Harris puts the spotlight on the very real consequences of Republican politicies. Wow! https://youtu.be/Cm9VdVkYCLw?si=E3LUsWaf98WTJ3Zg
Yes, this is real. And yes it has only been five days since the assassination attempt. Grifters gonna grift.
“Vote Republican, or Democrats might take your most dangerous weapons and prevent you from killing politicians like Trump!” — Put that on a lawn sign.
Boom! 💥 Jack Smith has filed his appeal of Judge Cannon’s bizarre decision to dismiss the entire case against Trump. The game is on! Let us see if The Eleventh Circuit agrees with Judge Cannon, that the United States Attorney General cannot appoint someone to investigate crimes. I doubt it.
I must hand it to Mike Lindell. His MyPillow marketing really is everywhere.
Today it has been 10 years since the Russian controlled forces in the Donbas downed civilian aircraft MH17 over eastern Ukraine, killing 298 passengers, using a Russian supplied Buk anti air missile system from the 53rd AA missile brigade of the Russian […] [Original post on mastodon.social]
Greece wants to sell 32 F-16 fighter jets to the US which the US can then donate to Ukraine, while Greece will buy new F-35s. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/7/16/russian-anger-builds-as-greece-prepares-a-military-deal-with-ukraine
Kissing the ring of the bully king.
After 16 months on YouTube, I am finally inching close to getting enough views to get payed for my work. If you want to help me cross the 4,000 watch hour barrier, please watch some of my videos here: https://youtube.com/@randahlfink
A space company which the US depends on, is led by a guy who closes up shop to move state when he feels like making a political statement. You read that right — US taxpayers are paying for space transport bought by NASA from this guy.
Last week, I visited Burg Stolpen in Saxony, an impressive medieval castle. But what I cannot seem to shake off, was my walk through Die Folterkammer — the castle’s torture chamber, full of every terrifying, pain-inducing instrument imaginable. I tried […] [Original post on mastodon.social]
Colbert’s interview with Adam Kinzinger really puts the current situation in US politics into perspective. It is baffling to me, that The Republican party would rather have Donald Trump than a voice of reason like Adam Kinzinger. Part 1 […] [Original post on mastodon.social]
MSNBC rolls the tape on all the times, the new Republican candidate for vice president JD Vance called Trump an “idiot”, “hitler”, etc. https://youtu.be/Y7x62HdEULI?si=2BTLbmBPzu11LE_n
Trump arrives at the Republican National Convention, and starts a whole new chapter on how to use bandages politically.
Meet Trump's new candidate for vice president JD Vance: — anti women's rights — anti contraception — anti Ukraine — anti gun regulation. — claims the 2020 election was rigged. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna161970
Political violence from a republican perspective… Bringing weapons to the capitol and trying to hang a vice president: ✅ Approved Bringing weapons to a really and trying to shoot a former president: ✖️Not approved
America is dancing on a knife's edge, and European politicians cling onto hope as a strategy. 2024 is the most dangerous, most consequential year in my lifetime.
I just came back after a one-week hiking trip in the German state of Saxony, and I feel I left a piece of my heart there. I truly love the large, beautiful forrests, the breathtaking views, and the wonderful Saxon people. Here are some of the views I have seen: 1/2
Here is the timeline: — Jack Smith was appointed on November 18, 2022. — He indicted Donald Trump in relation to mishandling of classified documents on June 9, 2023. — And today, 605 days after Jack Smith’s appointment, Trump appointed judge Aileen Cannon dismissed the entire case, claiming […]
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As expected, judge Cannon dismisses the classified documents case against Trump, after the supreme court hinted how she could do so. Right this moment, we are witnessing what the future dystopian United States looks like: One law for you, another for the Emperor. May American voters be wise […]
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Donald Trump: "I am your retribution." Also Donald Trump:
Notice how many good guys with guns were present at Trump's rally, and still they were unable to keep a bad guy from firing his rifle at Trump. The solution is not more guns. The solution is no weapons in the hands of the bad guys.
A professional was not hired to take out Donald Trump — because Trump is still breathing. And Trump did not stage his own assassination, because there are pictures and videos of bullets flying close to his skull — something Trump would never risk. There is no conspiracy.
You can measure the importance of all those articles about Biden's age, by how quickly they all vanished, as soon as the US media got something else to write about.
Republican senator J. D. Vance believes the assassination attempt is Biden's fault, because the Biden campaign has described the authoritarian candidate as an authoritarian. Trump literally said he wants to be a dictator, but sure… it is Biden's fault […] [Original post on mastodon.social]
I am surprised, she did not accuse Hunter Biden of pulling the trigger.
Gunman millimeters from assassinating Donald Trump who was wounded in his right ear as shots were fired at really in Pennsylvania. The gunman and an audience member were killed. https://youtu.be/1ejfAkzjEhk?si=NaQmjtQ_BOmQiPMX
The Netanyahu Government kills 90, wounds 300, in an attempt to kill 2 terrorists. Let me repeat that: For the chance to kill 2 terrorists, The Netanyahu Government has approved a JDAM bombing which kills 90 and wounds 300. Not a single country in the democratic world would allow these losses […]
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Everyone sceptical of Joe Biden, should see his speech from Detroit yesterday. Biden’s ability to deliver verbally may not be perfect, but what he says is really powerful, though-provoking, and true. And of this I am certain: If this is the Biden they bring at every rally the rest of the year […]
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