
oh you're going to Leave America if Trump wins? buddy, you couldn't leave Twitter when the Nazi took over so simmer down lol
all the guys who swear they're gonna emigrate when bush/obama/trump wins have the resources to do so easily and never do, while all the people who get persecuted by brownshirts want to leave and have very limited options to do so. it's actually pretty difficult to emigrate to many places!
This is one of the many reasons I support planetary unification under a signal banner and the erasure of borders. Were all on the same planet, part of the same species, and its about time we fuckin' acted like it.
tbh i can pretty much guarantee that the eventual planetary government will be a fascist kleptocracy with a corvee system
We tried being smaller, the more powerful clans assimilated the weaker clans often by violence We tried being big but separate and have almost blown ourselves up how many times now from misunderstandings and power plays? We haven't tried planetary unification yet.
unfortunately without exterminating capitalism any governmental system, at any scale, will follow the same path
welcome the global emperor (the imperial purple is passed down to whichever fortune 500 CEO has the highest net worth at the time of the predecessor's death)