
For those of you not following, Nina Power, a socialist continental philosopher of high prominence, got fully outed as a secret nazi. Among all her exposed texts, I really think it's worth zeroing in on her bestie's praise for a neoreactionary blog's hostility to widening the circle of empathy.
wow. had to pop into the nazi bar to read up on Nina Power & Daniel Miller & their sneaking into our spaces. fascist creep online yet their outing is one of our strengths
As if all those parallax_optics/wokecapital accounts on Twitter that were allegedly her and her buddies weren't evidence enough :P
In a profoundly stupid and long tale of ages past, Daniel Miller aka dctv once sold me ketamine in Berlin, and ye gods below, Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi.
lol, bankrupt even under British libel law
I really don't know how to feel about that last line. The one about 'the orgy of blood will probably be rather unpleasant'. Like, you get this feeling this guy might think that actually needs pointing out...