Kyle D.

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Kyle D.

What we should say to others to motivate them to vote on November: #USelection #Election2024 #TrumpvsBiden #Politicalmeme #Project2025
Since #Ditto is use to breed with any #Pokemon and it always ends with a baby that's the other Pokemon, then how do we get more Dittos?
The true threat right now in the US is the right-leaning Supreme Court. We need to do something about that! #SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #MAGA #Election2024
Hopefully, the #ICC does get their arrest warrant and puts a stop #Netanyahu before all of #Gaza is wiped out. I know I can't trust my own government to stop it. #freeGaza #antigenocide #antiwarcrimes
Every time I want to get my mind off #USPolitics, they do something crazy (mostly #MAGA) that makes it impossible to look away. Also, my #YouTube front page doesn't help.
My dream roster for if they made a #PowerRangers fighting game of all Monsters and #Megazords! #MMPR #Megazord
Major #xbox network outage! Bad timing really! #xboxlive #XboxseriesX
It's weird. #YouTube either take down or mutes copyright songs in normal videos, but not #YouTubeShorts videos. #copyrightstrikes #fairuse
Would it really kill #Nintendo to have their games' music on #Spotify? This is an honest question!
For those using #reddit, I think you can agree that the UI is a mess!
I know people #GenZ and beyond will fix this world. The question is will there still be a world for them to save?
What scares me about the evidence saying there is no #god is it would mean there is no afterlife. That there is nothing but black. #religion #atheism
Well #Mircosoft, you did something I can't forgive! How dare you kill #TangoGameworks who made #HifiRush and #GhostwireTokyo! Why?! Do you hate success?!💢
I don't care much for #TikTok but I don't see a good reason to ban it. I know getting banned by the #USGovernment will cause more chaos in this country.
Had help with a boss on a #Borderlands game. But then after beating it, he started knocking us down constantly so I had to kick him. Then I got this and not sure if I feel like a dick. #Xboxseriesx #xboxchat #BorderlandsTPS
I know the old games may never come back but I do hope the series continues! #pokernightattheinventory #telltalegames #videogames #games #pokernight
I'm no expert at #USPolitics but I wonder why alternate political parties never succeed in getting off the ground or getting noticed. It would be nice to have more options. #PoliticalParties
Part of me wishes #bluesky would be a good replacement for #reddit for several reasons. Partly to get away from replies not liking me having an opinion but mostly the auto-moderators who remove my posts immediately. I doubt they even fully read my posts.
I really got hated on in the #reddit for suggesting having our posts here have a view count. I guess it's cause they feel people will fake views to get attention like in #X / #Twitter. I get it. So I think the view count can only seen by the poster. Just want to know if anyone saw my posts is all.
If there's a #GOD, I think the reason he doesn't do anything for us now is because he doesn't want us to rely on him. He would want us to stand on our own two feet and learn from our mistakes.
You know, if #Trump keeps getting away with facing accountability, I feel it will lead to riots like in #GTASanAndreas caused by Tenpenny getting away with his crimes.
So #Xbox would release their exclusive games on #PS5 but it won't be the other way around?
It's irritating how some people try to take credit for #AIArt! I like making them but I'm not trying to take credit and money from real artists! #supporthumanartists
What would be awesome is being a psychic one-man rock band. I'd sing but use psychic powers to float and play the instruments if possible. Of course, I would grab the guitar for the solos. #rockandroll #psychic #hyperthetical