
Just a little clarity every single one of the heritage foundation fascists threatening us to camps & executions? I GUARANTEE ONE good throttle on the head & they give up. These are not serious people w intestinal fortitude. They will give up at the FIRST sign of friction. As cowards ALWAYS do!
THAT Is the WHOLE point of saying shit like: "It will be a bloodless revolution if the left doesn't try anything? That is because they are fucking afraid of us. They're telling that they can't tolerate any fighting back. They don't even want us to try. Because they are fucking COWARDS & PISSANTS!
So true. They have their little circle jerks and talk tough amongst themselves about what they're gonna do to us in their fever dreams. It's a very different story when you're not hiding behind a lectern in front of an audience of sycophants. Dog, whatcha gonna do when you catch that car someday? 🤣