
I’ve seen and blocked five generative ai image accounts today that are posing as actual digital artists- please keep an eye out for these and avoid interacting with their posts don’t reply to them or quote their posts: just block them
I love how they couldn't say ai more with that profile if they tried, it's beyond words
AI art always seems to veer towards orange blue and purple/pink for some reason
It's basically like the absolutely most fundamental lesson of color theory which is using complimentary colors and orange and blue best simulate natural daylight in a sense But you're supposed to use it for separating two elements, say a figure in all warm colors and a background in blues
Not what's going on here which is an orange AND blue sky and a hoodie split in the two colors with no reason and not to draw your eye to anything.
Also you have an orange hood, tan face, and mostly orange reflections in the glasses, on an orange sky, which defeats the purpose of using orange and blue A first year art student would know better, this is like week 2 shit, which is yet another reason the AI images are pure shit.