Reecy Pontiff

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Reecy Pontiff

Devastatingly clever lyricist, writer, performer, tour guide and professional vagabond. Half human on my mother's side. She/her/etc.

(banner edit by Tim)
I'm rewatching Muriel's Wedding for the first time since I was going to uni in Townsville, QLD in 2003. Is... is this movie a dig on Queensland? It was probably Queenslanders that insisted I watch it in the first place. #australia #tonicollette #murielswedding
Reposted byAvatar Reecy Pontiff
Keep your eardrums peeled for an exciting musical collaboration between Faces Fall (the pop star alter ego of Steve Cole) and Reecy Pontiff!
Went and touched grass today (well, sat my butt in the frosty creek, a Rocky Mountain equivalent). Made some echoes under one of the old stone bridges and then read a book.
Keep your eardrums peeled for an exciting musical collaboration between Faces Fall (the pop star alter ego of Steve Cole) and Reecy Pontiff!
"I believe they call this a Twitter," [the Eighth Doctor] said. "A tiny, avian creature drawn to pain and suffering." Excerpt from 2002's "The Crooked World" EDA by Steve Lyons. Twitter was founded four years later. #8thDoctor #EDAs #DoctorWho
The highest altitude donut in the world is now available with chocolate and sprinkles! #colorado #pikespeak
I did dramatic readings from "The Blue Angel" on the most recent ep of the Pieces of Eighth podcast! It was delightful voicing Iris Wildthyme. Paul Magrs himself enjoyed it (see below) so I'll call that success! #8thDoctor #EDAs #IrisWildthyme Episode at:
Feeling pretty crummy about things in the world, so today I got a membership to our community e-bike share program & tooled around Manitou Springs & Old Colorado City. The system could use some tweaks but I'm pleased this service exists & am happy to support this non-profit org. #colorado #bikes
We're just a couple of color coordinated cowgirls, horsin' around. #Colorado
I interviewed the multi-talented Simon Guerrier in the latest issue of Whotopia Magazine! We spoke about his new David Whitaker biography and career writing Whostuff. Free download of the current issue available at: #DoctorWho
If AI is so great, why can't YouTube's figure out how to put ad breaks at the end of a sentence?
An auto body shop in Colorado Springs, CO has these awesome life-sized #Transformers made from discarded auto parts in their parking lot. Clearly a lot of skill went into these. Closeups in second post. 1/2 #sculpture #colorado
I lamented not having a kimono for my Pride outfit, then lo and behold I came across this beauty at the thrift store yesterday.
Reposted byAvatar Reecy Pontiff
Let's just sum up both the UK and US elections in one image:
I had the pleasure of briefly cavorting with some Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence from the Colorado chapter at Manitou Springs Pride.
Happy Pride from Manitou Springs, Colorado!
Babe, you must be a shader compilation, coz I'll always be waiting for you. #videogaming
TIL that Spanish for London sounds a lot like "laundries", and that just tickles me.
Taking a little break at 14,107 feet above sea level.
Did Terry Nation color coordinate with the Daleks, or did the Daleks color coordinate with Terry Nation? #DoctorWho #Daleks
I just went to a stargazing party at one of the local universities. Even though all their telescopes apparently broke right before the event, it was still one of the most relaxing things I've done in a long time.
That #DoctorWho finale was net positive IMO (and yes I did cry), but definitely a mixed bag of "ZOMG AWESOME" and "...huh."
Up on Cripple Creek she sends me... On a steam engine! #colorado
River and Nine in "Archipelago" on the "Star Crossed" box set giving off Charley/Eight vibes 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 #bigfinish
I just want an hour of outtakes of Tom Baker's scarf being stepped on, tripped on, caught on the scenery, etc. Is that too much to ask? #DoctorWho #TomBaker #4thDoctor
30mph (50kph) gusts on Pikes Peak kept trying to blow the hat right off my head! It did make my duster look extra cool tho. (And they're going to have to update the summit height AGAIN, it's 14,107 as of this year. Keeps expanding & contracting w/the cold I guess 🤪) #colorado