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Word-noodler, drawing-doodler, photo-taker. Bear-wrangler. Over-anthropomorphiser of animals and nature.
Took a photo of the Rosemary plant and spotted the cute lil spider after 😊
OMG. I'm not used to that level of notifics 👀
4-part sunset sky and lake.
Reposted byAvatar Reed
I've been awake from 1.30am to 5am. This being-awake-in-the-early-hours thing has become too regular lately. It's not as bad when it happens on weekends, but on weekdays... 😬
Sunrise, a bit of mist and a punk pigeon.
It was quite a challenge to get my phone camera to focus on these dewy cobwebs.
Hey your viral AI post just crossed over into my RL world.. A LinkedIn profile liked a piece on human beings, creativity and flow; the piece included a screenshot of your post. Makes the world bigger and smaller
Reposted byAvatar Reed
Today we celebrate Mom's fifth anniversary. Raising a glass to her and all the people I know who have lost someone they love, whether recently or a while back. Much love always. Peace, love, and lemon cake. #CheersMamaEstrada
Five for one or 1, Mama Estrada, Cheers Mama Estrada, JD Estrada, JD Estrada Writer
Small spider web between 2 frangipani branches on an early winter morning. Photoshopped to remove sun glare and highlight shiny web.
I've got an odd question - trying to organise a party for LittleOne & a mum with whom we've already had playdates, hasn't RSVPed. Should I just leave well enough alone? Or is it acceptable to check in? Or would that be received as pestering?
Downloaded the overdrive/Libby app to try & find a particular ebook. Browsing in the app, I found a different ebook abt second chances at love with time quirks. Skim-read, got invested in & wanted the protagonists to work it out. & aaargh *loathed* the final direction the story went in.
Woke myself up grinding my teeth. My waking brain interpreted the noise as clattering pebbles 😬
If you were awake early morning east coast Australia time, you might have seen part of the Great Sky Sheep Migration.
Did I send out my newsletter today with a big fat typo in it? Why, yes. Yes I did 🫣
I still remember when my mum bought this for me 😊 It's travelled with me across an ocean, and across half of Australia. And now, I read it to my LittleOne ❤️
Ladybird book in the spotlight. The Three Billy Goats Gruff Artist: Robert Lumley (1968)
Ok, I just discovered the existence of the blue sausage fruit 🤯
I prioritised doing laundry over getting a photo of the dusk sky tonight, and this is a spectacular failure on my part 😵‍💫
Reposted byAvatar Reed
& full broom, dandelion season & the moon on its own clock - a curlew passes through on a hiding to nothing
Was just required to join LittleOne in doing several interpretive dance performances to an audience of stuffed animals. "Dance like nobody's watching", they say.. Can confirm this doesn't work. Who knew stuffed animals could look so judgey?
Trying to make a concerted effort to bump up my iron through diet and trying to cross-check the "best iron rich recipes" with those "that work for me" is just a bit 🤯
Not making eye contact with a work colleague outside work.
There was a little gecko running up a glass wall at my work today. I managed to take it outside. I hope it now has more to eat and can grow into a big happy gecko. I really hope I haven't condemned it to a shorter life than the one it would've lived in my office world of carpet, glass and plastic 😬
"The cat of dawn colours and green eyes had a tail like a rising of smoke from a lit incense stick in a sultry, still room. She looked through me, and smiled."
The base of my 7 year old laptop is separating from the keyboard bit 😭 This is not good.
I'd love an AI for alt text. (I'm so bad at describing images!)
Reposted byAvatar Reed