
Just leave everyone in red states out to die ig
No, wake them up to raise hell and do better with the people they elect. Complacency is where democracy goes to die
Yeah it's not that simple. And I am not a professional so I'm not going to even try to explain it just in case I say something wrong. Just look up "voter suppression"
I agree that voter suppression and gerrymandering are a huge problem. Ppl in the favored districts need to feel the pain of their decisions also. Imagine how impactful the Doctors leaving because of how they voted would impact them? It would get fixed
It wouldn't get fixed because the people who vote red can usually afford to just go somewhere else. The disenfranchised voters don't have that money and are stuck to die.
Like, do you not think everyone in power would just take a vacation to go to the doctor? Because they would.
"Ppl in the favored districts need to feel the pain of their decisions also." You are asking for more pain. That is the immediate result of what you are asking for. You think the pain will help, through some unstated mechanism. You are grasping at a straw you wish to stab people with.
It literally is a political war going on. It will be messy. We got here because of complacency