
If you're wondering whether cities will start using their new power soon, during the July 2 City Council meeting where I live, a council member (white dude) used his comment period to get vocally excited about us being able to ticket people sleeping outside.
I guess either they want them in for profit prisons so they and their buddies can get rich off the grift or they are waiting for the SCOTUS ruling that it is okay to shoot the homeless. Or indentured servitude.
100% it's about jail population. Pretty sure the same council member making some point about the jail, too. They're currently fixing up the jail that's downtown, and the county is putting forward a sales tax for funding more jails/improvements.
so de facto debtor prisons/Victorian work houses by any other name. Kickass. Welp. I guess a shitload more city by city activism all over the fucking country, because activists didn't already have more than enough the fuck to do here.
Radio channel surfing years ago on a drive through the south, I paused at a Christian talk station to hear a man say, "what do we want, punishment or prevention?" And what he wanted was punishment, not to help people do better with their lives.
Much Christ, very faith hope charity. “Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me” (Matthew 25:45 NIV).
-vomit- This charming decision brought to you by We're A Christian Nation, Really, Witness How Christlike We're Being Here.