Leon Thomas

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Leon Thomas


By day, I make Renegade Cut on YouTube. By night, if all goes well, I sleep.

jd vance serving leave it to beavis & butthead 50's round-faced child star with pervasive and willful ignorant adult.
just finished recording the new episode. pleased with the audio. promised myself I wouldn't push myself too hard today, so I think I will the rest of it zonked out of my brainhole playing video games. everyone should have a day off, and this is mine.
I don't have much, but if any of my friends ever need a place to hide or be safe or escape money, let me know. Take that however you want.
another day in pair of dicks
nyt editorialist: the science isn't settled on heart medicine, is drinking poison the new black?
asteroid m was the first space x
when jason voorhees was drowning, how did the counselors not hear the sonic warning music? negligence.
vanilla ice became a trumper, one beastie passed away while two retired, shady never grew up, and machine gun kelly was never good, but at least we still have blondie.
ted cruz was found dead on his front lawn this morning. the media says one toe was missing but weirdly won't say which one. what's happening?
everyone is wondering if the red hulk is circumcised, but kevin feige isn't gonna give that away in the trailer. you have to see the movie. it's marketing.
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i made this shareable version of my one sentence project 2025 summary so it can be easily shared across platforms. feel free to repost.
gonna be really embarrassing when the cipher decoders finally find out his name was john z. odiac.
eating spicy dill flavored goldfish llllllladies
joe biden about to be replaced with someone who looks exactly like him but wearing groucho glasses.
finally, some good news
hmm, what if I tried to soften my image a little bit? (this is the best I could do)
vladimir putin is a chicken kiev. is that something? i dunno. but anyway, i hope he is executed by horse trampling.
wishing all my friends a good night, a peaceful night, a sexy night or whatever kind of night you want. it is yours.
every time hannibal speaks, I want to beat him to death with a wooden baseball bat, but then he would be like "de pine is zis sportshman's bat was made in uh cahstle oncsh owned by king froderick of bluchenschtein..."
watching old 2016 presidential nominee announcement videos, trying to see where it all went so wrong. we didn't have enough jeb-mentum.
donald trump is a convicted felon, pedophile, rapist, and racist whose administration was marred by scandal, two impeachments, and the rise of neo-fascist groups who idolized him. this should be a layup, but his opponent is a zombie, and sometimes people pick the wrong monster.
this is what my video on hannibal will actually be about, enjoy
[mads mikkelsen as hannibal lecter inexplicably says that the roman empire loved sourdough to feed the great centurion flooveeours and his cat, adjusts his tie] shut. up. hannibal.
antifa stole my lunch money and used it to buy vanilla porn and put it on my computer
glad the dinosaurs are extinct. it's them or us. "maybe we are the monsters." no. it's the raptors. stop being dramatic. rather fight one thousand john hammonds before one raptor.
election 2024: pokemon go to hell
alpha 5 from mighty morphin power rangers is a plant for chatgpt. AI-AI-AI-AI-AI
new plan. plug joe biden into the matrix and trick him. someone call switch, the best matrix character.