
Quick question. Is there any good work on how to handle common property otherwise? With the assumption that it's unlikely to get the municipality to take over? Think parking lots l, trees, etc
HOAs are EVIL corporate lawyers that own your house. You don't own it. They decide how long your grass is. what color you can paint it. Whether you can have a garden or a pool. John Oliver explains it really well.
Homeowners Associations: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) John Oliver discusses homeowners associations, the surprising power they have, and how to tell if a tree is “tree-shaped.” Connect with Last Week Tonight onl...
I’ve always found the idea of HOAs for single-family homes to be very odd at best. But I live in a townhouse complex. For those of us in condos/townhouses, they’re necessary. Davis-Stirling in CA seems to curb many of the worst potential excesses as well.
I saw a post on Nextdoor dot com about how HOAs were terrible and 95% of the comments in response were along the lines of "no, actually, HOAs are good. you need rules".