Public Universal Ally

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Public Universal Ally

Joe McCarthy's only fan?
Donald Trump famously loves McDonald's. Given unlimited money and the White House, with its bowling alley and giant bathtubs, it never occurred to the man to just have a McDonald's put in the place. Soggy fries? That's cool. He's a dumb garbage man here to shovel garbage food in his garbage mouth.
and also with you for a limited time
I come from a dumb, fun, sloppy culture and specifically reserve the right to say the dumbest shit that doesn't fall afoul of the established law. I'm tired and old; my statements are warnings: the system is rickety AF and abandoning the pretense of legitimacy invites the rudest finding out
Sometimes I get so bored with this game that's so hard for all the wrong reasons
Y'all never thought about being a canary? Checking who's hunting what and why?
Chomsky raises this question of how can we be sure natural law is correct, and I think looking around the only thing we can be sure of is that something we *know* is almost certainly incorrect. In such a situation, when all rational choices lead to failure, the last rational choice is irrationality.
Take a 13 year old kid with a few followers on a gaming stream. I can come in with my word baton and emotion handcuffs and cite him for thought crimes betrayed by regressive speech, or I can tell him a story in relatable language that humanizes someone other. My approach- core difference- might work
Best approach to current left spaces and structures is "what are we doing wrong?" because if we were proceeding with a plan and intent to win, there would be certain small signs.
What I mean is that the habit of policing spaces for the purposes of culling regressive thought is antithetical to infiltration of enemy camps for the purposes of fracturing, recruitment and intel. It's a strategy designed to address the gap in the most off-putting way. Attack it sideways or don't.
I'm a software developer, so I strive to maintain technical accuracy in everything I say, even when the target audience won't notice the nuance. For people who study society and inequality, I think such a habit can be a deadly mistake. Your enemies are 95% stupid and transgressions are a shibboleth
I'm a software developer, so I strive to maintain technical accuracy in everything I say, even when the target audience won't notice the nuance. For people who study society and inequality, I think such a habit can be a deadly mistake. Your enemies are 95% stupid and transgressions are a shibboleth
write-only bluesky lol. was always my favorite part tho. Folks on the left think we've got perfect intel on enemy strength because they told us how strong they are. That we know what the consequences of dissent will be because we see what they are now. Things, people are going to break either way.
Some folks, I forget you've never been beaten and thrown in jail. You don't have the urgency, zero get up and go, we gotta do something, 100% think of the consequences, don't you see logically we're fucked so it's logical to do nothing etc. etc. it's not like I don't know the arguments
So he's policing how women express themselves now? No, observing one archetype of the feminist is a pull up the ladder type who builds nest to cry from and those who choose the label tend to chase this standard. Their cause is a joint account. The people who really need safe space got shift work.
Plenty of strong men believe in female equality and liberation as part of a belief in the equality of all humans. Lots of weak men glom on to white western feminism of the democrat variety with it's snarling and pussy hats and list of infractions because they are hoping to get laid. Both true.
Plenty of strong men believe in female equality and liberation as part of a belief in the equality of all humans. Lots of weak men glom on to white western feminism of the democrat variety with it's snarling and pussy hats and list of infractions because they are hoping to get laid. Both true.
I said the worst thing about the online left was its earnestness, but that's not it, it's the preference for a frontal assault. Let's go get kettled and arrested in one big protest, let's go yell at those MAGA guys yelling back, let's appeal to everyone's decency and humanitarianism. Let's lose.
The wolf study that established that whole alpha/beta idea in humans was bullshit. It was a caged population, would be like studying Alcatrez and applying the lessons to college kids. Oh shit did I just use regression to put eyeballs onto info?
I'd say I'm at least partially disabled by Covid and PTSD from America. I appreciate the work of any liberation activists who realize humans all share a fundamental equality. I don't like the cops. The shrill shrieking policewomen and their beta men there to turn normies off the cause of liberation
You are what you do, and if you spend your time policing a garden by yapping at the trespasser, you are exactly the lib who they like triggering. You're two performers in an emotive play being put on by amateurs everywhere right now
I'd say I'm at least partially disabled by Covid and PTSD from America. I appreciate the work of any liberation activists who realize humans all share a fundamental equality. I don't like the cops. The shrill shrieking policewomen and their beta men there to turn normies off the cause of liberation
y'all don't know how free and wild the original internet was. something new every day. this, they turned it back into tv
as a woman for the purposes of this argument
This isn't just black and white what gets censored with a big stamp, but what gets pre-censored, what gets shouted down and ridiculed, what never gets said
Government and capital capture of the media, including social media, is much greater than people realize. Your counter-culture group is very likely a counter-counter-culture group in disguise.
Government and capital capture of the media, including social media, is much greater than people realize. Your counter-culture group is very likely a counter-counter-culture group in disguise.
What I'm saying about social media is if you're not here to manipulate, you're here to be manipulated.
I change my pfp and start vaguely mimicking my haters' message, I'm an influencer overnight
Me just getting stoned and saying whatever comes to mind with little regard for the social implications and no regard for status has earned me like 30 new eyeballs overnight. Social media [was] a game, and not everybody's playing lawful good. After TikTok is killed, American monoculture lock is back
Also, the online left can only imagine reaching out to Joe Maga *earnestly* which is just supremely naive. No interest in manipulating him.
The problem with cultivating a safe place and driving out all the assholes is it temporarily preserves a dead pool at the cost of rendering it irrelevant. If every marginally regressive person is a suppressive person, misogynist, whatever the other is, then goodbye to the folks who can light a fire.
Kill the democrat in your heart. The ultimate battle is which battles to pick
The problem with cultivating a safe place and driving out all the assholes is it temporarily preserves a dead pool at the cost of rendering it irrelevant. If every marginally regressive person is a suppressive person, misogynist, whatever the other is, then goodbye to the folks who can light a fire.
The problem with cultivating a safe place and driving out all the assholes is it temporarily preserves a dead pool at the cost of rendering it irrelevant. If every marginally regressive person is a suppressive person, misogynist, whatever the other is, then goodbye to the folks who can light a fire.
The American dream, putting together money for your first political bribe
Modern white liberal feminism avoids its own extinction by ensuring feminism's irrelevance.
You'll never see the same place differently if you don't get your perspective a jarred. I remember: the problem with the online left is it's too earnest. Folks sitting around promising they'll never say the bad words are not going to step up and act like an asshole when the moment requires. Look