
Kamala Harris WILL BE the president of the United states once Joe finishes giving it his all. If he says he's still got gas in the tank, we should trust him. The Biden/Harris administration has been the greatest presidency of my lifetime. This is a passing of the torch moment
"greatest presidency" Super low fucking bar lol limbo world championships level. Didn't we help with a genocide and watch our rights errode during Biden?
Greatest presidency during my lifetime 👍👍 and the rights stuff was a direct result of NOT VOTING FOR THE LESS EVIL in 2016. No matter who was in office, the supreme Court would've done it. Trump will cripple any humanitarian effort and KILL any protestors or dissenters.
My point, no one should be proud of what we have, it's just barely less evil. 40k dead would argue it is not that lesser. And Dems have had decades to prepare for fascism and failed.
I agree with you on everything!! However going forward until election, it's unwavering, and unyielding support for the Biden/Harris administration with an emphasis on Harris from this gal 💁‍♀️🤩🦅🌴🥥🍦🇺🇲
That's insane lol, you should never give unwavering support to these clowns. Why on earth would they stop the genocide or stop sending cops to shoot up college kids or stop removing COVID protections if you support them. You should be constantly attacking them to do better.
Trump is going to systematically kill each and every one of us within the first few months of his presidency. They have been preparing for this. And it will happen globally. A complete fascist culling of dissenters.
Automation is here. They do not need to keep all of us in labor camps. The machines will do the work.