
BBC News just interviewed Ed Milliband, a MP who is acting as Shadow Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero. IIUC, Shadow Secretaries act as counterparts to the govt secretaries and develop alternative policies and criticism. This means Labour will have a cabinet ready immediately.
Labour has officially won the UK election!
LOLOL. BBC is reporting that this is the worst election result for the Conservative party in their entire existence.
BBC reporting that the Conservatives have won no seats in Wales, which is the first time that's happened since 2001.
BBC is also reporting that eight current Conservative cabinet ministers will not only lose their cabinet seats but have also lost their parliamentary seats. This seems like such a stunning repudiation of the Conservative Party. You really do love to see it.
Oh it’s so good I’m sad that in our Wyre forest the racist vote meant con stayed in, by such a small margin it hurts 800 seats Reform made a 10k gain here 🤮
Ack, that's such a tiny margin! I was unfamiliar with Reform til just a week or so ago and didn't realize they were making such gains. Farage is such a slimy fucking weasel that I am dumbfounded he's been elected to anything. At least in your district, 800 votes difference is totally fixable.
Nothing says “HEY I’M A RACIST!” Like voting reform UK & it’s clear reform uk is the vote % that all parties are fighting for next time