
supreme court rules that fighting a whole-ass war about not being ruled by a king is overturned
I'm no constitutional scholar but I thought this was exactly what the 2nd amendment was meant to prevent?
2A was to affirm, in the context of the articles of confederation having just been done away with, that we could form a standing army (no standing army during Shay’s Rebellion led to 2A, tested during Whiskey Rebellion).
Context: read the original drafts and revisions of 2A. You can see the story of the right to found a federal army get modified after further thought (religious exemptions which are later removed) and then a bunch of specific language removed for fear of missing some crucial detail (cont.)
Which are then modulated further into a wholly unrelated right by the DC Heller decision, an INCREDIBLY modern interpretation and willful aversion of eyes to details that so called Originalists would have had to reckon with and disappoint their NRA coffer key holders