R. Buckminster Badger

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R. Buckminster Badger


Futurist. Presentist. Pabstist. Visionary developer of the Geodesic Cheese Curd. Staunch advocate for the Bloody Mary Beer Chaser. www.thebumblepoint.com
Hiking the Ice Age Trail has you hankerin' for a cold one? My new novel, The Freakin' Destination, has the scoop on where the serendipitous bars are! (Some of them, anyway.) thebumblepoint.com
#LetsGetAcquainted #MusicChallenge Day 20 - A Song That Got You Through 2021: Free Man in Paris "If I had my way, I'd just walk through that door & wander down the Champs-Élysées..." as I was sobbing in my office trying to procure 1.5 million envelopes with supply chains shattered.
What to do when a vicious dog is charging at you when you're hiking the Ice Age Trail? My new novel, The Freakin' Destination, has the answer! [Note: past performance is no guarantee of future results.] Book available at thebumblepoint.com
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito under fire following report he displayed magenta Molly Hatchet flag at his Airbnb rental in Rancho Cucamonga in 2022.
Exactly this. Manuel from Fawlty Towers didn't learn English from Substack. He learned English from a boook.
Books. They are AWESOME. You purchase one, and you OWN IT. It's like, THERE right on your shelf. It doesn't require regular online patches. You don't need to be online to read it. Books fucking RULE.
I really enjoyed pitching my novel, The Freakin' Destination, & chatting with attendees & other authors at the Ice Age Trail Annual Conference on Saturday. Thanks to the Ice Age Trail Alliance for offering us space inside this cozy, bat-free cave!
You've never accidentally pepper-sprayed your privates on a hike? Now you can! Learn how in my new novel, The Freakin' Destination, inspired by Wisconsin's spectacular Ice Age Trail. Available at thebumblepoint.com
I'm reading Shakespeare's King Henry VIII and can't help but imagine Cardinal Wolsey looking a lot like Bishop Brennan.
I was talking to another writer today about the fact that occasionally, the reward for writing a book is money, if you happen to write a book a lot of people buy. That is not most books. With most books, the reward is that you wrote the damn book and you’re proud of it. (1/2)
Our New Ass Can Shit More Than Ever
If Joe Flaherty had never done anything else, his tour de force performance as "Quincy: Cartoon Coroner" should have guaranteed him a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. R.I.P. www.youtube.com/watch?app=de...
My new novel, The Freakin’ Destination, not only recounts a gripping adventure on Wisconsin’s Ice Age Trail, it also shares the ultimate best use for gross instant oatmeal (spoiler: don’t eat it). Book available at thebumblepoint.com and select fine bookstores.
My brand-new first novel is in my first bookstore: the venerated Janke Bookstore in Wausau, Wis. Great store and great people!
I'm stoked! Advance copies of my novel, The Freakin' Destination, are here! A couple of empty-nester backpacking novices hike Wisconsin's Ice Age Trail. Hijinks ensue. Epiphanies are had. Available March 2024 (I hope!).
The novel is written. All the edits are done. The illustration is completed. Cover photo has been selected. Next up: Design the cover. Set everything up in Indesign. Apply for an ISBN number. Send it to the printer.
End of feed.