
Today's news: "We are now hiding in tents that do not protect us from anything. Since the morning, we have been subjected to severe bombardment by tanks. Until this moment, 25 martyrs have died in the tents." Here is a picture he took from the tent of a tank shell exploding.
Presently, he is hoping to raise $700 for a new tent ("It has become bad from the sun"). $300 for transport ("our lives here are tied to an amount of one thousand dollars. It may be small for someone living outside Gaza, but this amount in Gaza may be the reason a family is saved from death").
Seventeen days ago, Ahmed sent me this picture, observing, "For your information, these foods are exposed to sunlight. There are many children who have been infected with liver disease and jaundice due to these foods.."
Twelve days ago: "The markets have become empty, and if anything is found, its price is very expensive. Today, my kids and I only got one meal, a small can of beans. Here we die. We lose our lives.. Here there are no vegetables, no meat, and no kind of fruit."
Eleven days: "We are suffering from kidney pain due to drinking water that is not suitable for animal use"; " we are dying of hunger. I swear to you that my children now eat one simple meal every 24 hours. They cry every moment. I don't know what to do. I hope we all die and rest from this life."
Nine days ago: "The Israeli army asked us to evacuate the camp...which it designated for us as a safe zone. It will bomb the place with planes, starting at 6 a.m. and ending at 6 p.m. This is what the Red Cross told us. We do not know where we will go in this extreme heat. Bye. My friend."