
I sort of wrote about this last week, but SCOTUS does seem to see Trump as a schmittian sovereign
I suppose no surprise in a fascist movement, but wild that *this guy* is their heroic ubermensch, and the crisis worthy of destroying 250 years of democracy is ... uh, some historically meager immigration and trans people drinking a beer?
it's the 2020 protests. i think they fundamentally broke conservatives.
I saw some people I knew post the most unhinged things about Obama being reelected, so this tracks
Even Hillary used coded racist language when she ran against Obama.
I'm curious why you frame it that way. I mean, it was the same event, but from my perspective it seems like Romney losing wasn't as much the issue as the fact a Black man with an unfamiliar name, and who ran as a progressive, won.
obama’s name wasn’t unfamiliar in 2012 since he was the president. but romney was their special little boy and the fact that they still rant - 12 years later - about how mean obama was to him tells you a lot
Oh, yeah, "unfamiliar" was probably too much of a euphemism on my part. I meant that he has a name that reads as 'foreign' or 'other' for a huge segment of the US population, including those who see that as a good thing as well as those who see it as bad.
I think when Obama was first elected centrist republicans were not as furious about it as they would be slightly after. In part because many of them thought that electing a black man would mean the end of racism (more specifically, the end of anyone ever talking about it).
They expected he’d be inaugurated and then black people would not care ever again. Problem solved. But then they saw the inauguration and how black people were inspired and proud and so was the world (the Nobel Peace Prize) and then they got angry and the Birther stuff started getting loud.
The 2012 election was a weird pivot point and provided the first glimpses of the "Obama-Trump voter". I mean, Indiana went for Obama by two points in '08 but ever since the only counties that have voted Dem have been Indy, Gary, and the three college counties.
It was 2012 so it was a thousand years ago but it was the first time GOP media narratives began to diverge from reality. They "unskewed the polls" months before election, and people hoped at the time the reality correction would "break the fever." It didn't, it got worse.
"...the first time GOP media narratives began to diverge from reality." Oh, bless your heart.