
it’s a weird thing to see folks hyper-focused on any shift (or no shift) in polls and take them as gospel when the vibe was “the polls are unreliable” up until 5 days ago tbh
“the incumbent with the 38% approval is a pretty steep underdog” was as true then as it is now imo
I don't know that taking polls out of the equation really helps the case for ditching Biden either. Like then what's the evidence? That NYT has continued to have it out for him?
I don't think that it's inconsistent to say "This poll is obvious bullshit' & "Even then it doesn't do anything to help your case."
i wasn’t intending a commentary on switching candidates, just noting i think people have been rather sanguine for no apparent reason and are now…suddenly realizing that up is in fact up
it's july now, which means taking polls seriously but not literally, imo