
While we talk about the boom as encompassing 1946 to 1964, demographers note that it really began mid-1946 and ended mid-1964. Harris, born in Oct 1964, can therefore fairly be described as Gen X.
Kamala Harris is technically a boomer but her levels of earnest cringe would make her the nation's first millennial president in spirit
It's not like you wrote a book about it or anything.
The worst part is that I read Bump's book and still got it wrong
Well, "the boom" isn't the same as the generational identifier! So saying "1964 equals Baby Boom" is right in the vernacular. She just wasn't born in the actual boom after which the generation is named. I was just trying to help you save face / share a factoid.
"save face" is a funny way to say you have shamed me in a way that I will never properly recover from
Well technically ritual suicide is always an option assuming you live in a sufficiently honor-based social context