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Neuro-Spicy dragon who loves goats and Kim Rhodes!
Hi had an amazing time at BurCon. Also, got this amazing shot of you during SNS. 🥰😎
Avatar gotta question. What would Jody’s favorite color be? Starting a new art project, not sure it will be done before #Burcon.
Avatar do you go out to the farm on Saturday’s anymore?
So for the past 3 years I have been sharing a house with 5 other people. To say the least it has been hell. Mostly because of two individuals. But as of this past Sunday they are no longer here and the rest of us can breathe a sigh of relief.
Avatar have you heard of The Green Glass Door riddle? If not, I apologize in advance if this hurts your brain.
Hey haven’t seen ya in awhile. Just checking in to see how your doing. Can’t wait to see you in Nashville in a couple of weeks. 😃
Avatar I feel like this needs to be a thing. What are your thoughts?
Avatar it took me almost 6 months to realize what you said about my snake tattoo, at the farm. Just saw the comment you left on Jorell’s Instagram post of my snake tattoo. 🤦
Avatar since we are in spooky season. I know you love Nightmare Before Christmas. Just wanted to bring this to your attention.
I am officially in my final semester of school.
End of feed.