
Discworld QOTD, from Eric “The captain glared at him. The sergeant put on the poker face that has been handed down from NCO to NCO ever since one protoamphibian told another, lower-ranking protoamphibian to muster a squad of newts and Take That Beach.”
Discworld QOTD, from Sourcery “It was quite impossible to describe. Here is what it looked like. It looked like a piano sounds shortly after being dropped down a well. It tasted yellow, and it felt Paisley. It smelled like the total eclipse of the moon.”
"He was a good king. Died of natural causes." "He was assassinated." "Assassination is natural causes for a king."
Inexact, (and fighting every moment with my dictating keyboard) but: "Brutha tripped on a thousand-year-old bonsai tree and went down, striking his head on a rock chosen for its fundamental tranquility."
You wouldn’t let a poor old lady go off and confront monsters on a wild night like this, would you?’ They watched him owlishly for a while just in case something interestingly nasty was going to happen to him. The someone near the back said, ‘So why should we care what happens to monsters?’ 1/2
The voice at the back said, ‘Depends if I knew where Granny Weatherwax was.’2/2
It's true. I remember when I was gifted that face (and several others... the "what in the world did I do to deserve this" is especially useful)