
nothing sums up America right now quite like watching the UFC crowd cheer Donald Trump while Born in the USA plays in the background
conservatives have been missing the point of that fucking song since before I was alive
Fascists cannot understand art. Empathy is beyond them.
It’s like when they complain Rage Against The Machine are woke now.
Cheer up, Micah…I remember well that from the time the song debuted, the meaning was completely lost on most people. That surprised me because it wasn’t all that long after the days of blatantly protest music.
It is so incredible. Right there in the first line it announces itself. Feels like willful idiocy not to get it.
This is why I find some of the “media literacy is dead” moral panic on tik tok and here so silly, like the general public is always just vibes about media, conservatives and cops like *any* rock music from the last 50 years
I was at a car dealership and the salesman was going on about how springsteen's latest stuff is too political. I couldn't break it to him.
Our CC played it before we paraded in navy basic training on July 4, 1986. As a pupal leftist in high school, I already thought I sort of understood the lyrics. I do remember rolling my eyes.
I found myself protesting outside Upper Heyford USAF base after the bombing of Gadhaffi. A Black serviceman in combat fatigues marched up to the fence holding a boombox playing Born in the USA at full volume.
This is after the fact, but it’s an interesting dive into why this song has been so widely misinterpreted, as well as a list of other such songs. I know you’re busy, but it’s worth it. tl;dr: The text has disappeared under the interpretation (Nietszche).
How "Born in the U.S.A." Became an Anthem for Everything That It Wasn’ On the deep, rich history and many misinterpretations (accidental or otherwise) of the Bruce Springsteen classic, which turns 40 on Tuesday