
this is why you do the oversight this is why you keep poking and prodding even if you can't force someone out you never know what might come out of it remember: But Her Emails came out of the endless Republican investigations of Benghazi, and it won Trump the election
Harlan Crow Provided Clarence Thomas at Least 3 Previously Undisclosed Private Jet Trips, Senate Probe The Supreme Court justice flew to Montana and other destinations on the billionaire GOP donor’s dime. Crow’s lawyer revealed these flights to the Senate Judiciary Committee, whose ongoing investigatio...
I think the exact reason there's so much media attention on this now is that there will never be an election. This is chasing a laser pointer
I think it's important to keep hammering away at the court's standing with the public and with a Dem caucus that's incredibly reluctant to embrace any sort of court reform it's going to be a big lift and anything to help build up to it is good
court reform needs to be a constant talking point. match justice count to appellate court count. set up rotating appointments; lifetime is stupid. put some fucking teeth into ethics rules. remove the senate (entirely or at least from the confirmation process, because thats also nuts)
We need court reform / Biden is a great statesman who is definitely not fucking us for generations to come. Pick one
what this is not a binary. call reps about court reform.
I think my point has been demonstrated. Enjoy your kayfabe
You're a conspiracy theorist.
Who doesn't enjoy some spirited speculation about who (or what?!) did 9/11. Haven't heard of Biden's lifelong, well-documented conservativism as a conspiracy theory, always great to find out a new one
People need to start writing about "the openly corrupt" Supreme Court until it sticks
They're incredibly reluctant because they're fine with conservative judicial outcomes and their base will clap like seals for any toothless gesture. The most invested people in the Harlan Crow drama are 1000% behind Biden kicking the can on this.