
"...When the evacuation of civilians began, representatives of the UN and the Red Cross promised to take Maryana and Alina to Zaporizhzhia, but they took them to the village of Bezimenne to a (russian) filtration point..." OP: #UkrainianView
Maryana Checheliuk, an investigator from Mariupol, returned from captivity. Together with her younger sister, she escaped from shelling in the Azovstal bunkers.
When the evacuation of civilians began, representatives of the UN and the Red Cross promised to take Maryana and Alina to Zaporizhzhia, but they took them to the village of Bezimenne to a (russian) filtration point.
The family managed to free the youngest daughter. Maryana was captured. In letters to her mother, she wrote that she was starved, beaten and abused.
This is an article from ҐРУНТ, but they are not on Bluesky yet, so I have no means to quote them directly. Please raise the awareness, amplify UA voice. russian captivity kills, and russians face no consequences for running concentration camps and treating captives inhumanely.
UN and ICRC are complicit.
Zero days without Red Cross helping russians in genocide of Ukrainians
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Usually this is where the and here's proof they weren't Russians part comes in. Like how Russians in 1956 used red cross ambulances to transport troops.