
Hey, #AcademicChatter #phdsky just wanted you to know that those people want me dead and my nation erased from existence. If you know any of them personally - tell them that I wish them and their families to experience what we in Ukraine live through. #UkrainianView
For all their supposed "intelligence", these people fall for the Russian narrative that Russia is a Pavlovian dog incapable of choice and if Ukr is admitted to NATO then Russia will helplessly react with nuclear force. They need to grow up. 🙄
They need their qualification to be checked.
It really pisses me off that so many people believe if NATO launches the first nuclear weapon, it will be NATO's fault for causing a nuclear war (true) and if Russia launches the first nuclear weapon it will also be NATO's fault for causing a nuclear war (as if Russia has no agency). 😡
They take it for granted that russia can do whatever it pleases.
it's also so idiotic that these people seem to think the aggression hinges on Ukraine's pursuit of NATO membership. like if they stopped, ruzzia would just go back to being a friendly neighbor who respects sovereign borders.
So many Americans still think Ruzzia thinks and acts and prioritizes what we prioritize. When they are actually literally a conquesting empire. The excuse of "NATO expansion" is a good distraction BECAUSE it works on the west! Their lies are effective because they've been practicing for decades.