Robbie Goldie

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Robbie Goldie

Designer for cartoons/games from 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Previously @ WarnerBros/Gigglebug
BG Design/Paint / Visdev / Storytelling
Currently working on traditional skills and trying to enjoy the process of creating/storytelling
Little brothers on slightly bigger adventures 🐭🌲🦊 Some little writings about them in the alt text :)
Reposted byAvatar Robbie Goldie
A wizard and his windy woodland walks 🧙‍♂️✏️🌲🍃
A wizard and his windy woodland walks 🧙‍♂️✏️🌲🍃
Reposted byAvatar Robbie Goldie
Let’s lure you bluesky folks in with a cosy hobbit hole for starters!✨ This is Bilbo’s Bagend. It’s a cosy place but a cluttery one too. There’s left out pie and a pot of tea still puffing steam plumes. The sun illuminates the wood within which must only mean one thing, it’s time for dinner!🍞🧀🍖🫖
Let’s lure you bluesky folks in with a cosy hobbit hole for starters!✨ This is Bilbo’s Bagend. It’s a cosy place but a cluttery one too. There’s left out pie and a pot of tea still puffing steam plumes. The sun illuminates the wood within which must only mean one thing, it’s time for dinner!🍞🧀🍖🫖
End of feed.