
Americans, Hi from Britain ; I hear you escaped us hundreds of years ago yes? Now remember that ; Look where you are today and fucking vote come your date of election ; the Orange Freak effects the whole globe and only YOU can stop him, not us YOU : So fucking do it, VOTE THE SAFE CHOICE ; BIDEN.
Do I like Biden? fuck no he's no more than a Liberal at best; I want Socialism here in the UK but I can't get that so i'm going next best thing ; That's what YOU will be doing as well, Today is our polling Day we are getting rid of a 14 Year Tory Rule, Do not make the same mistake the UK did.
But yeah happy freedom day, usa usa usa ; woohoo fireworks scaring wildlife , guns guns guns , Murica! That's what most Americans want to hear right? Sure hope not.
im shooting a machinegun for the fourth.
Hahaha , Oh america change a little.. just a little 😅
Well at least you have good anime taste. Lum is funny.