
Just a quick, slightly tentative, introduction. Hello everyone! I'm pretty sure I have a few friends here already who have migrated recently searching for pastures new. I'm looking forward to exploring around here, learning as I go, and sharing hopefully interesting and engaging content.
Rob! So glad you made it over to this side of the fence.
Thank you Kate. That's very kind of you to say. It nice to see you over here too. It's lovely to see familiar faces find their way across. It feels like a fresh start!
I’m just keeping the other side on life support to DM heads ups about invite codes coming to emails. The facial recognition LLM that they are trying to build was the straw on the camel’s back for me, Rob.
I'm starting to feel and behave in the same sorts of way over there. I'm a little ambivalent as I have made some great friendships and a lot of people I know remain quite active. The facial recognition thing sounds quite dystopian and far too intrusive. Let's keep the evacuation in progress!
Same here! I’m keeping my hand in on The Other Place but mainly so I can message people and tell them about here! There’s much more fruitful interaction in the subjects that interest me, no ads and no weird algorithms that promote neo Nazi posts. I just get to chat with like minded people
There's really no comparison at the moment. The experience in the other place has deteriorated enormously and doesn't feel trustworthy any longer. Is it safe to send invitation messages to people there in your experience or will that be picked up?
It’s absolutely true that the niche communities that are here are really engaged.
Oh and sorry to butt in on your conversation. 😂 That was very Elon of me
It's a campfire buddy. Just don't bring out your guitar and start singing Paul McCartney songs! (if you get the movie reference!)
If you have your subskeets set at zero you are 💯 allowed to butt into conversations.
I think I’m supposed to get my first code tomorrow so I’m working hard to man the lifeboats, Rob. Meanwhile.. over here is just lovely and I really like their Feeds feature.
Welcome here. Good luck with writing.
Thanks Steffen. I appreciate your good wishes. All the best!