
I'm not able to attest to the authenticity of the accents in this video but I was fascinated by the range of ancient languages spoken. The general style seems to resemble the Bee Gees in their heyday, millennia before hairdryers, let alone disco, had been invented!
The Sound of Ancient Languages. Full Version. You Haven't Seen Anything Like This Before! Dive into the fascinating realm of ancient languages with our enthralling video. Encounter the alluring sounds of historical civilizations through the skillf...
At all times, languages ​​arose, existed and died, but never before have they disappeared so rapidly. Experts believe that for a language to survive, it needs to be spoken by at least 100 thousand people.
That sounds about the right sort of figure to me Julia although there might be some rare exceptions in closely integrated, homogenous societies that have a very small territorial range. Languages are extremely mutable with words and phrases falling in and out of use.
Indigenous languages ​​are particularly vulnerable because many are not taught in school or used in public sphere. The language disappears, taking with it the cultural and intellectual heritage of a particular community.
They are you're right. If languages are excluded or denied they wither and may slowly fade away with the last speakers. They must be thoughtfully preserved and integrated into public life and education, which fortunately is what has happened with my native language Welsh.
Don't quote me here, but I do believe I remember, back when I taught, that there was a teacher there, who focused on Indigenous studies. She was awesome! Still is! Seems to me, I remember she was teaching Cree, at one point, to some of the classes she had, if not all.
I'm sure she must have made an immense difference in preserving and sharing her indigenous language and culture.
So did I! It's pretty incredible being able to listen to ancient languages being spoken.
Yes, to hear those phonemes and alien sounding rhythms, being able to catch every now and then a syllable we recognize from a modern language...
Yes, every now and again there was a hint of something familiar wasn't there. It was fascinating to hear how distinctive the sounds and cadences of the ancient languages often were from one another too.
Very distinctive. I kept trying to imagine myself transported to one of those ancient worlds, trying to understand even a single world.
I tried that a little too, although Latin was the only one I had any sort of chance with I think.
That is an excellent point. There could have been a fairer representation for sure. The beards became a little overwhelming by the end!
and most of them were immaculately maintained. These AI actors clearly spend far too much time in the barbers!
I was fooled initially too. I thought they were real actors to begin with but it slowly dawned on me that they were computer generated.
Plus no women in the ancient world
They should have had Enheduanna speaking Sumerian
I think that would have been a great choice.
There must have been. We might have discovered a flaw in this AI programming. Let's keep it to ourselves just in case they try to take over!
Poor AI only moves from the neck up and forgets procreation
Women didn’t speak back then. They just had babies and died young. They had nothing useful to contribute, I’m sure.
I think we might have to send a firm reprimand to AI HQ informing them that women certainly did have much to contribute in ancient times, aside from the one you mention!
Nothing. Enheduanna, Hatshepsut, Sappho, Hypatia...
Fabulous! Are any of those languages still spoken?
They're great aren't they! The extent to which each of them are still spoken I couldn't tell. I guess they all provide the foundations for multiple contemporary languages to a certain degree. Taking the very crude rule of thumb of the Doulingo language app, you can learn Latin on it but not Sumerian
Berber people still speak Berber
They do and I know that's still quite a vibrant language, and hopefully a reviving one, even outside of North Africa. There are plenty of signs in Spain, particularly around the routes to the southern ports with names and directions in Tamazight. I've added a little of it to my profile bio too!
It really is isn't it. The technology to do that is pretty incredible.