
A pair of Etruscan Bronze attachments, circa 5th Century B.C. They depict the 3rd and 4th Labours of Hercules, the capture of the Ceryneian Hind and the Erymanthian boar. The lion skin-clad Heracles is on the left and Iolaus, his charioteer and one of the Argonauts, is on the right. 🏺 ancientbluesky
Similar subjects and compositions, also in openwork, can be found on the feet of Etruscan cistas or other vessels. It is clear, therefore, that the Etruscans were a community who took pleasure in fine objects and luxurious materials.
That is quite similar in style isn't it. The Etruscans certainly seemed to have a fondness for fine objects and decorative arts. I wonder if the wings on this figure means that it was meant to represent Icarus.
More likely Vanth, I'd have thought.
But, eye of the beholder and all that.
I think, on reflection, that's the more likely subject.