
The Roman city gate Porta Nigra in Trier, Germany. It is the finest surviving Roman building north of the Alps. Construction began after 170AD. In 1030 Saint Simeon was enclosed in a cell there. He died 5 years later and was buried in his cell. Miracles were reported at his tomb shortly after. 🏺
I was there a few years ago. Pretty great site.
It looks amazing Rick. Thanks for sharing some photos of the interior of the building with me. It's more ornate and detailed than I thought it would be. It must have been quite an experience!
It was. And it felt really random to have this huge Roman remnant in an otherwise typical mid-sided German city.
I wondered about that, how out of place it might have appeared in a German city. It must be quite a sharp contrast of age, culture and design.
Fortunately it’s the tallest building in the area, so it isn’t dominated by its surroundings.
How thoughtful and considerate the town planners are in Germany!