Robert Falkner

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Robert Falkner

Professor of International Relations at LSE & Academic Dean of TRIUM EMBA. Global environmental politics, international political economy & global business
We have a publication date! "The Market in Global International Society: An English School Approach to International Political Economy" (with Barry Buzan) will be published by OUP on 31 Oct 2024! Further details are available at:
Join us at LSE - Monday 10th June, 13.00 - for a debate on the politics of the climate crisis. With award-winning author Kim Stanley Robinson & Prof Elizabeth Robinson, Director of GRI. Looking forward to chairing what is bound to be a lively debate.
The ministry for the future: navigating the politics of the climate crisis | LSE 1pm Monday 10 June | Kim Stanley Robinson, Elizabeth Robinson | Free event at the LSE Festival: Power and Politics | Ticket required
1-year post in LSE International Relations Department: The David Davies of Llandinam Research Fellowship gives experienced practitioners in international politics, IPE and policy an opportunity to undertake a research project for one year. Deadline: 2 June 2024
The David Davies of Llandinam Research Fellowship in International
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The 6th Annual Cambridge Historical IR Conference Friday 10th of May 2024 Free and open to all Details here:
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Has there ever been a more appropriate time to talk about the role of #responsibility in global politics? The paperback of The Rise of Responsibility is now out 📖
LSE is looking to hire two LSE Fellows in International Political Economy, fixed-term for 2 years and starting in September 2024. Apart from expertise in IPE, we are interested in young scholars with a focus on China and/or global business. Closing date 14 April:
LSE Fellow in International Political
My new piece "The Longue Durée of International Environmental Norm Change: Global Environmental Politics Meets the English School of International Relations" has been published in Global Environmental Politics 24:1, 2024. You can watch an interview about it here:
It's happening - so excited... Just signed contract with OUP for new book on "The Market in Global International Society: An English School Approach to International Political Economy" (co-authored with Barry Buzan). Manuscript going into copyediting now, book hopefully out by late 2024.
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I'm on the committee for this year's APSA Virginia Walsh Dissertation Award. Please send in nominations of excellent science/tech/environmental politics dissertations (including your own!) by March 1st!
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An adapted excerpt from Saving Ourselves is up at the Irish Tech News on understanding all the broken climate promises:
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Whoop! ENB is on BlueSky! Follow for updates on all things environmental negotiations.
Interesting job for GEP/climate governance scholars at Manchester Uni: Reader/Professor in Climate Change Governance and Global Development. Closing date 27 February. Further details here:
Reader/Professor in Climate Change Governance and Global Development:Oxford
Wow - not 1 but 2, and possibly 3(!), Professorships in International Relations advertised at the University of St Andrews. No specialism specified - "successful candidates will... have a range of interests which strengthen and complement those within the School".
Free to read and download: "Ukraine: Russia’s War and the Future of the Global Order" Edited by Mick Cox and published by LSE Press - available now as the second anniversary of Russia's (second) invasion of Ukraine approaches.
The UK carbon price keeps on falling, reaching all-time low of £31.48/ton in January. This follows a generous allocation of permits by the government, U-turns over Net Zero policy, and weakening demand. By 2026, UK exporters may be paying carbon tax under the EU's CBAM.
At LSE Grantham Research Institute event on “It’s in the news: we’re decarbonising!” 4 Climate journalists debate why Net Zero has become drawn into culture war - and how to prevent further political polarisation in media reporting. #LSENetZeroNews
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Attention: Open call for a Ph.D. scholarship in my Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen (we include all sub-fields). Excellent PhD Programme, great salary and it's in the middle of wonderful Copenhagen! Deadline for application: 25 February 2024. Start date: 1 September 2024
PhD scholarship at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)
The Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill is to be debated in parliament today. The UK governments claims it will "boost energy security". Really? analysis shows long-term decline of North Sea gas production. New licenses will make minimal difference, but harm UK climate leadership.
Germany's CO2 emissions continued to fall in 2023. Weak economy & reduced production by energy-intensive firms are important reasons. But the green energy transition is speeding up, not only in Germany but also in EU as I argue in this blog from last year:
Why has the UK government failed - for the last 18 months - to appoint a new Chair of the Climate Change Committee? GRI's Policy Head Bob Ward warns of the harm to UK's climate reputation and the need to start work on the UK's next carbon budget.
End of feed.