
Shouldn’t kg of CO2 per unit of revenue be going down if data centers are getting more efficient? Somehow tech is burning more carbon for every dollar earned? Is this all because of AI and because AI doesn’t contribute to revenue? Not great all around.
"In 2023, Google’s carbon intensity climbed to 11.4 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per million dollars of revenue. That’s up 101% since 2019, and up nearly 25% since 2022." Microsoft's "increased by 20% since 2022."
Google just released numbers on AI and emissions — and they aren’t good | Latitude And as the artificial intelligence arms race wages on, the company expects emissions to keep going up.
Yes I think your theory is correct. In addition to high per-query costs there are high fixed costs of training models in the first place. And the use cases don't justify the investment ("yet")