
It breaks my heart that the media are going to spend years fawning over Farage with those 5 seats as justification, and continue to ignore the Greens, because the fash make “good telly”, and trying to save humanity is boring, or something. The media will get us all killed.
View round ours last night when Reform got their 5th seat was that it must have been a massive relief to all the media outlets who already clearly wanted to make a bigger deal of their 4 than the Greens 4.
If there is any justice in the world, the media will one day be held accountable for the gleeful way that they pour petrol on human civilisation and then stand around with matches while claiming that they’re just reporting news, not manufacturing it.
Thank you for using your voice in this way, it's good for more people to learn about 'short money' It means EVERY single vote the Greens got will be helping our 4 new MPs to do their jobs in opposition; it was definitely not wasted.
Short This House of Commons Library briefing provides details of the current levels of 'Short money' allocated to opposition parties for parliamentary duties and a brief history of the scheme. Figures for t...
Last political point - hopefully. Reform backers are rich and powerful, the Greens, not so. Four MPs may not sound like much, but now the Green parliamentary budget has quadrupled. They can fund more press stuff, organise better, more recourses etc. If you want to help the Greens, donate.
One more point - sorry. As someone on the far left, a Green revolution is a lot more palatable than a Marxist one, because a Green uprising would involve lead-free bullets, Eco-friendly Molotov's and the mass planting of trees to offset the carbon footprint left by the burning of parliament.
I sincerely hope that on a national level they will sound less Hamasy than those newly elected local councillors that dominated news reporting in the last few weeks.
Can you be specific on what you mean by Hamasy - have you got some links to what you mean?
But the extreme one-sidedness wrt the Gaza conflict seems symptomatic of the party. see e. g. the tone of the Bradford Greens, whose tweet was retweeted by numerous local parties and activists. Not a word about the hostages. Quite telling, I find. 2/2
I keep seeing a confusion with calls for action and remembrance - 37000 people have now died - old young, most not soldiers - don’t we need that to end first - then the acts of remembrance can begin - I think to call a call for peace “Hamasy” a big ugly
Acts of remembrance? Are you assuming that the hostages are all dead now anyway? And did you hear that guy‘s „speech“ at the election ceremony? There was absolutely nothing even remotely peaceful in his stunt.
And of course the real victors as ever are the weapons manufacturers - amply supported by politicians
And I do believe it is important to remember the victims who were just going to have fun a festival
What are you on about, you utter loon?
To be fair, there's far less of an expectation that the Greens will be spearheading an uprising which leads to a socialist workers revolution, than there is for Farage to be the figurehead for the fourth Reich. Also, like a tree, the Greens approach is more sustainable in the long-term, ironically