Rob Rakove

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Rob Rakove

Historian at Stanford University, author of "Kennedy, Johnson, and the Nonaligned World" and "Days of Opportunity: The United States and Afghanistan Before the Soviet Invasion." It's good to have options.
Hope Marco hasn't made any down payments
Inane prose suggestions in Outlook promise to be my supervillain origins story.
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James Graham Wilson's America's Cold Warrior: Paul Nitze and National Security from Roosevelt to Reagan featured in The Wall Street Journal. See this book: Read now: #PaulsNitze #ColdWarrior #NationalSecurity #USHistory
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Remarkable finding in new Marist poll: By 68-32, voters say they're more concerned about a president who doesn't tell the truth than one who is too old to serve. Maybe we should cover Trump's serial lying as a sign of his unfitness for the presidency. 1/ (new piece)
Shocker Poll Suggests Trump’s Lying May Be Huge Weakness for One possible reason the polls haven’t moved as much as pundits expected: Voters still don’t like or trust Trump. Can the Democrats shift focus to that?
Reporters endlessly find ways to ask the same question with minor phrasing variations.
People are seriously flipping out about mundane name swaps that literally anyone can commit.
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Today in 1991, “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” opened in theaters, ultimately grossing $521 billion worldwide. “Three billion human lives ended on August 29th, 1997. The survivors of the nuclear fire called the war Judgment Day. They lived only to face a new nightmare: the war against the machines.”
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It's been a hell of a news cycle. How about some light reading: revisiting the Teapot Dome scandal on the 100th anniversary of the Senate's investigation?
U.S. Senate: 100 Years Since Teapot 100 Years Since Teapot Dome
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I was especially stoked to discuss my book with old friend and grad school classmate Keith Harris on his podcast "The Rogue Historian." Keith has a special interest in the 19th century and Civil War, but the podcast is a great listen for all history enthusiasts.
‎The Rogue Historian on Apple ‎History · 2024
Headlines with "might" or "could" are an invitation to move along, without clicking.
THIS. There are a number of types of stories that I just won't read. "Who I think will win the debate" is one; "who I think Trump will choose as VP" is another. I am interested in many things, but what some columnist thinks will happen is not one of them.
Alternatively, you sort of get the sense that Billy might die tragically within six months of the events depicted in the film.
WHERE ARE THEY NOW? BILLY: Rehab counselor KIRBY: In prison for cyber-stalking JULES: Real Housewife of DC LESLIE: Soccer mom KEVIN: Busted for plagiarism at WaPo ALEC: Trump spouse, now RNC Chair WENDY: Inherits family fortune, donates it to food banks
‘Brats’ Spurs Idea Of Brat Pack Reunion For ‘St. Elmo’s Fire’ The Brat Pack documentary “Brats” gets Sony thinking about a “St. Elmo’s Fire” sequel with the original film’s stars.
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Those who did this are likely too young to remember Kony 2012, but the underlying idea (that stunts -> awareness -> policymakers' attention -> meaningful action) is symptomatic of our era. There's no "right" way to protest, but some methods are far less effective than others. Fame isn't enough.
1.) is dismaying and worth forwarding past
Finally watched BRATS, Andrew McCarthy’s Brat Pack documentary. I had three thoughts: 1) Malcolm Gladwell? WTF?! 2) McCarthy’s closing interview with David Blum was fascinating; 3) I got annoyed all over again that SINGLE DRUNK FEMALE was cancelled.
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I had an article I once wanted to write on Chicago's anti-apartheid movement. I abandoned it when I left, and also because of Covid: there was no real chance in 2020 or 2021 to tackle something like this, especially without a university library. 🗃️
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📣Out now on #firstview! Elisabeth Leake ( on 'The Construction of ‘Tribe’ as a Socio-Political Unit in Global History' #Empire #Imperial #Britain #Afghanistan #America🌎🗺️🗃️18thc 19thc 👉Read online here:
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"this most savage single act of repression": Washington Post accords the Nazi massacre of Czech villagers at Lidice (9-10 June 1942) almost equal status with the great US victory at Midway--a very good way to put these disparate World War II events in perspective 3/n
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Heads up grad students & non-tenure track history teachers going to the SHAFR Conference this week: I am bringing copies of Making the Forever War to give away! 5/day, 1st come, 1st served. No advance reservations. Find me, introduce yourself & ask for a copy!
Making the Forever The late historian Marilyn B. Young, a preeminent voice on the history of U.S. military conflict, spent her career reassessing the nature of American glob...
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Really upset I canceled my subscription to The Scandal Sheet of Archduke A.G. Sulzberger XVIII
Evergreen primary source
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+ 💯 this is not hard
Love hearing about people's books - don't be shy to promote your publications - but why oh why do people link to Amazon when your publisher has worked hard and professionally to make a dedicated webpage? Promoting Amazon is ripping off your publisher and yourself
The New York Times, Forty Years Ago The fortieth anniversary of D-Day fell on a Wednesday. Thus the front page is dominated by: • The CA/NJ primaries (split, but enough to get Mondale over) • The storming of the Golden Temple in Amritsar • A Saudi-Iranian air battle in the Persian Gulf