
Sitting at my computer and heard a "tick tick tick" noise. Muted all sounds, followed it to the laundry room. It's coming from inside the dryer (not in the drum, but in the enclosure that surrounds the drum). Unhooked it, took it outside, took it partially apart and discovered a mouse.
Apparently it just took up residence today. No droppings, no nest. Looks like the outdoor vent was stuck open and it crawled inside. I can only imagine its surprise at being trapped in a metal box with no way out. Now I have to coax it out of there or continue disassembling. Whee.
The dryer, sitting outside, waiting for its new resident to vacate the premises:
I took it apart all the way to the chassis and did not find him, so I reviewed the porch camera footage and caught a brief glimpse of him scurrying away as I tipped the dryer up on edge to move. Figured as long as it was apart I'd clean it, so now it's completely lint-free, reassembled, and working.