
listen i'm not saying GIMP is useless but i am saying it's a misrepresentation to act like it's a perfectly acceptable 100% replacement for Photoshop and that its interface isn't totally fuckin busted. like sorry but i have been on Computer since 1994 and it is among the worst UIs i have ever seen
if you've *only* ever used GIMP it's a fish not knowing it's wet sort of situation, but for anyone coming in from PS it's more akin to hitting the water at terminal velocity
every time i see people try to tell digital artists to Just Use GIMP i'm like... are you a time traveler... did you come here from 2007... can you go back and tell kid me she has ADHD
GIMP is the worse. Being on Linux I have to use it sometimes, and even with the PhotoGimp overhaul it sucks so bad. On the other hand, since I mostly used Photoshop to draw, Krita is a fantastic replacement 🩵 I will never not be grateful for Krita and its community