
It's understandable that ppl don't know what to do, we've been shunted into this idea that a narrow version of electoral politics is the ONLY path to change. We DO have to vote, but there is SO MUCH MORE. Places you can start: mutual aid groups ( community action groups 1/?
If you're in an urban area, civil planning action groups (like folks advocating for more public areas, bike lanes, rent control, etc.) can provide a way into action Your local Dem party Your local DSA The most important thing is to STOP BEING ALONE...
If you're alone your view of what can be/is being done is distorted. You're isolated and vulnerable to despair and that's the worst thing right now. Ideally you can meet people locally, but if you can't, online is perfectly fine. And you don't have to exhaust yourself, many hands make light work...
But just explore what is going on locally! I assure you A LOT is going on locally, a lot that isn't online, but by interacting with bigger orgs, you can find niche ones that fit you better. Folks HAVE BEEN organizing, I swear it to you, you only have to find a group you gel with and get to it.
For electoral politics: look up your local candidates, they will have campaign offices Dems: DSA: CPUSA: IWW: Please note that chapters are individual & may not be great/for you, still worth checking out
Food Not Bombs: And if you don't have time to volunteer, donating to orgs is much appreciated. You can also educate yourself as to what is going on locally; most of us have an idea of national news, but local is SO important to stay in the know about.
2024 Locations Food Not
Addendum: How do you know an org is "good." Well, you gotta suss it out, BUT some things to ask: ♦ Are they focused on community building vs personality ♦ How do they treat disabled folks? ♦ How do they treat trans folks? ♦ Do they talk over non cis/white/male members. esp abt their own issues
♦ Are they transparent about finances? ♦ Do they have an entrenched hierarchical structure that is unquestionable? ♦ Does reproductive labor & care* primarily fall on femmes and non-whites without question *
I’m always saying this: if you are upset by an issue, someone out there is *already* doing the work. And they are probably crushing it. You just have to find them and support them!
I find it especially meaningful that when I opened Bluesky, yours was the first post I saw.
Thank you, that is really kind :)